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Click on a title below for more information about each song, including a sample page to view and audio preview.

Full-length audio also available on my YouTube page at Marcia Wells Piano.

New for February 2025!

Lead Me to Calvary with Down at the the Cross — Coming in February!

Endless Praise (Charity Gayle) *

This is My Father’s World *


Alphabetical listing of all available songs.  

Click each title for complete ordering and download information.

* = piano solo         ** = piano duet (4 hands on 1 piano)

A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman) **

A Thousand Years (Christina Perri) **

Against All Odds *

All Creatures of Our God and King with Simple Gifts **

All Sufficient Merit

Amen (Charity Gayle) *

America the Beautiful *

Ancient of Days (CityAlight) *

Angels We Have Heard on High *

As the Deer / Give Me Jesus 

Auld Lang Syne and The Parting Glass:  A Scottish Farewell *

At the Cross, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, O the Blood of Jesus *

Away in a Manger Medley *

Be Still, My Soul *

Be Thou My Vision *

Bruises (Lewis Capaldi) *

Bruises (Lewis Capaldi)  Piano Solo with String Quartet

Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Elton John) **

Carol of the Bells  **

Christ is Mine Forevermore*

Christmas Traditions:  The Holly and the Ivy, O Christmas Tree, Deck the Halls *

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing *

Day After Day, Jesus Reigns (CityAlight)

Ding Dong! Merrily on High **

Easter Medley (Near the Cross / Nothing But the Blood / Are You Washed in the Blood / It Is Well With My Soul)*

Easy on Me (Adele) **

Endless Praise (Charity Gayle) *

Evergreen *

Fairest Lord Jesus / More Precious Than Silver *

Fanny Crosby Medley (Pass Me Not, Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It, He Hideth My Soul) *

Fields of Gold (Sting)

For Good (Wicked the Musical) **

Gesu Bambino *

God Bless America *

God Bless the USA *

God is Over All (CityAlight)

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen **

golden hour (JVKE) **

Goodness of God

Great is Thy Faithfulness – Blessed Assurance

Hallelujah, What a Savior! (Man of Sorrows)*

Hatikvah (The Hope) National Anthem of Israel *

He Calls Me Friend (CityAlight) *

His Glory and My Good (CityAlight) *

Holy Forever (Chris Tomlin) *

How Can I Keep From Singing? *

How Great Thou Art

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Medley

I Need Thee Every Hour / Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus / Amazing Grace *

I Vow to Thee, My Country *

In Flanders Fields *

In Jesus Name (God of Possible) *

It Is Well With My Soul *

It Was Finished Upon That Cross *

It’s Quiet Uptown (Hamilton) **

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring **

Jesus, Only Jesus*

Jesus Paid It All / Let Us Break Bread Together *

Jesus Strong and Kind / Jesus Loves Me (CityAlight) *

Joy To the World *

Jupiter from “The Planets” *

(Theme from) Jurassic Park **

Just As I Am / I Come Broken*

Largo from the opera Xeres (HANDEL) **

Let It Be (The Beatles) *

Menuetto, Selections from Sonata Op 49. No. 2 (BEETHOVEN) **

Moonlight Serenade

More Than Anything*

Morning Has Broken~For the Beauty of the Earth~Holy, Holy, Holy  *

My God Is All I Need / My God Is So Big (CityAlight) *

Neil Gow’s Lament with Loch Lomond *

No Time to Die **

O Worship the King / Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / To God Be the Glory *

On That Day (CityAlight) *

Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior *

Patriotic Old-Time Favorites *

Please Forgive Me *

Rainbow (Kacey Musgraves) **

River Flows in You**

Salute to the Armed Forces *

Shallow (Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper) **

Show Yourself (Frozen 2)**

Silent Night *

Softly and Tenderly, I Am Thine O Lord, It Is Well With My Soul *

Someone You Loved (Lewis Capaldi) **

Song Without Words, Op. 2, No. 3 (TCHAIKOVSKY) **

Spirituals (Lord I Want to Be A Christian / Down in the River to Pray / Give Me Jesus)

Sweet Hour of Prayer / Little is Much When God Is In It / In the Garden *

Sweet By and By, Shall We Gather at the River, On Jordan’s Stormy Banks *

Sweet Little Jesus Boy *

Take the Name of Jesus With You (Precious Name) / Only Trust Him 

Thank You Jesus For The Blood (Charity Gayle) *

Thanksgiving Hymns *

That’s Christmas To Me (Pentatonix) *

The Battle and the Blessing (CityAlight) *

The Best Is Yet To Come *

The Commission *

The First Noel *

The Goodness of Jesus (CityAlight)

The Invitation:  I Surrender All, Just As I Am, Have Thine Own Way, Lord *

The Night Song (CityAlight) *

The Power of the Cross (with Leave It There) *

The Star-Spangled Banner *

The Thanksgiving Song *

There is a Fountain / The Old Rugged Cross 

This is My Father’s World *

There is One Gospel (CityAlight) *

There is Power in the Blood *

This is the Day (CityAlight) *

‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus *

Traumerei (Kinderszenen), Op. 15, No. 7  (SCHUMANN)**

Trust and Obey with My Jesus I Love Thee *

Turn the Lights Back On (Billy Joel)

Waltz in A Flat Major, Op. 39, No. 15 (BRAHMS) **

Way Maker *

We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin) *

We Gather Together *

We Three Kings

Wedding Day Prelude *

Welcome Home (CityAlight) *

Were You There

What Child is This? *

Whate’er My God Ordains Is Right *

Whate’er My God Ordains Is Right (SATB choir with piano)

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross *

Where Are You Christmas? *

Where He Leads Me I Will Follow / He Leadeth Me / All the Way My Savior Leads Me *

Wonderful Peace *

Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me *

You Are My All in All with Canon in D  **

You Say (Lauren Daigle) **

You Will Be Found **

Your Will Be Done *



Angels We Have Heard on High *

Away in a Manger Medley *

Carol of the Bells  **

Christmas Collection Bundle of 6 songs *

Christmas Traditions:  The Holly and the Ivy, O Christmas Tree, Deck the Halls *

Ding Dong! Merrily on High **

Evergreen *

Gesu Bambino *

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen **

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Medley

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring **

Joy To the World *

Silent Night *

Sweet Little Jesus Boy *

That’s Christmas To Me (Pentatonix) *

We Three Kings

What Child is This? *

Where Are You Christmas? *


Away n a Manger, Silent Night, Joy to the World, The First Noel, We Three Kings, What Child is This, piano solo, music, digital download, Marcia Wells, Christmas, church, prelude, sheet musi